Thursday, October 31, 2019

Demonic Possession and demons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Demonic Possession and demons - Research Paper Example Definition and Characteristics of Demons and Demonic Possessions The term â€Å"demonic possession† belongs only to one of the two supposed major types of possession states, the other one being those â€Å"occurring within the context of religious experiences† (Ferracuti et al. 525-526). In fact, a possession trance is defined as â€Å"the presence of a single or episodic altered state of consciousness, in which a person’s customary identity is replaced by a new identity attributed to the influence of a spirit or deity† (525). This means that possession is just as simple as a spirit taking over the physical body and directing it. Nevertheless, there may be two major types of possession depending on nature – the pathologic type, which are known as demonic possessions and the ones often depicted in movies as the devil inhabiting bodies of people; and the religious type, which are particularly found in â€Å"ritual ceremonies† (526) and are norm ally characterized as having â€Å"a valid individual and social function† (526). Demonic possessions, due to the fact that they are necessarily pathologic, and physically and mentally damaging, are therefore a more urgent subject for discussion compared to the religious type. These possessions usually last from five minutes to two hours. (527) The possessing agent, or the evil spirit, that is believed to inhabit the physical body of the possessed victim would usually have a number of characteristics. First, they are usually identified as male and are therefore relatively more sexual, aggressive, intense and agitated (527), thus causing these manifestations of behavior in the victim. The agent is also of a different moral character from the possessed (527). In most cases, the possessing agent is believed to cause the victim to vomit, cough and spit and at the same time roar, growl and bark (527). This is perhaps one of the most remarkable characteristics of one possessed by a n evil spirit. The victim also displays â€Å"facial expressions of anger and hate† (527) and would angrily or sarcastically curse God (527). Moreover, the agent is also lucid and clear about its identity and intention as it often states its identity, curses God and expresses â€Å"disgust for the body it had possessed† (527). Lastly, there is usually a rolling of the eyes and a deepening of the voice in the victim (527). Nevertheless, most demonic possessions would usually begin with â€Å"unexplainable nausea and vomiting† and â€Å"constant difficulty in praying† (527). Nevertheless, demonic possession does not happen to everyone but to a chosen select few. What qualities then characterize these people who end up being possessed? One of these qualities is a previous diagnosis and treatment of a psychological disorder or schizophrenia (529). These people are also very much engrossed in paranormal experiences, have complex personalities, and have an impa ired sense of reality (525). Nevertheless, most of these people are believed to have two distinct characteristics from those not possessed: they have â€Å"recurrent depression episodes† and they â€Å"used to belong to ritualistic satanic groups† (528). As these people are possessed, it then follows that the best and most immediate solution is to seek a solution. The solution is usually exorcism or casting out of the demon, as described in the Catholic document Ritual

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

TV seriies ( 60 Minutes) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TV seriies ( 60 Minutes) - Essay Example Be it a good or a bad issue that they are showing, it gives enough knowledge about my surroundings and helps me with my judgments and views. The first time I saw 60 minutes on TV, I thought, â€Å"What does this show has to offer? What good can it give me? Is it worth watching?† Then a friend of mine, who happened to love this show, told me that this is not any ordinary show. She loved it for the reason that it allows the viewers to see the ‘real thing’ in celebrities, in ordinary people, in the government and all the other issues that are likewise hidden from the people. I watched the segment wherein President Obama and his wife were interviewed and was satisfied that this show has done something like this for the nation, including me, to know someone so great like Obama. I heard in the news that this segment was the most watched episode of 60 minutes, and it has done a great effect to the show. I think that this show has somewhat improvised a new genre in the field of journalism and mass media, which is great for me, since I’m quite interested in journalism. The effect this show has on me is a good and helpful one that is why I consider it as my all-time favorite among all TV series. The fact that I can answer well when others ask me about certain issues in our country makes me feel knowledgeable. They thought of me as a keen observer, thanks to 60 minutes. It is with this show’s help that I can be aware and maybe even helpful to our country when the time comes. I am even inspired to write for the show, maybe

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Power Issues And Case Analysis Imbalances Social Work Essay

Power Issues And Case Analysis Imbalances Social Work Essay This assignment will discuss the case study given whilst firstly looking at the issues of power as well as the risk discourse and how this can be dominant within social work practice. Further to this a task centred approach will be explained and how it could be used when approaching this case study. Finally the strengths perspective will be explored and how this could effect change, and bring about social justice principles. Thompson (2000) discusses that power can be a complex issue that operates on different levels. He further discusses that many service users who come into contact with social services are generally in a relatively low position of power, and that this could be due to, for example; social divisions such as, class, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. When looking at issues of power, it could be said that Ms. Evans who defines herself as Asian is being oppressed by many power differentials that would need to be considered. For example; Ms. Evans is currently living in naval married quarters and feels she has not been accepted into the community. It could be argued that she is living in a predominantly male domineered, white environment. Thompson (2000:56) highlights patriarchal ideology and how male dominance serves to maintain existing power relations between men and women, he also highlights how we should resist the pressure to make people conform to white malestream norms (Thompson 2000:141). Healey (2005) discusses anti-oppressive practice and how this looks at the personal, cultural and structural objects that can shape the problems that service users experience. Healey (2005) further discusses that through anti-oppressive practice social workers aim to promote service user empowerment by encouraging them to talk about and share their feelings of powerlessness, to help them understand how cultural and structural injustices can shape their experiences of oppression. Therefore when working with Ms. Evans and her family I would need to incorporate anti-oppressive practice in order to empower, and enable her to share with me her feelings and experiences of powerlessness in order to gain a better understanding of the families situation. However Thompson (2000) highlights, social work intervention involves the exercise of power, which if used negatively can reinforce the disadvantages that service users experience. Used positively however power can help to enhance the working relationship, the outcomes, and empower the service user, as Healey (2000:202) writes postructuralists see power as an ever-present and productive feature of social relations, and Foucault cited by Healey (2000) highlights the need for us to recognise the productivity of power, and argues that by focussing on power as only being oppressive ignores the positive dimensions of power. Ms. Evans has been referred to social services via the Health Visitor; this could be making her feel disempowered and nervous about the forth coming intervention of social services. Therefore when working with Ms. Evans and her family I would have to recognise the power imbalances between us, (Thompson 2000). I would need to be sensitive to the issues of power and imbalances by being clear with Ms. Evans on my role and purpose, explaining professional boundaries and responsibilities (Trevithick 2005). I would also need to consider my use of language and how as Dalrymple (1995) cited by Healey (2000:184) explains the way in which language can reflect power differentials and have an impact on the people with whom we are working. As well as recognising power issues and imbalances, as the social worker l would also need to undertake a risk assessment. As Thompson (2000) highlights, to assess the degree and nature of any risk to which Ms. Evans and her family could be exposed to. Assessing exposure to risks or a person, who is vulnerable to it is central to assessment within social work practice (Davies 2005). Stated in the Codes of Practice, as a social care worker, you must respect the rights of service users while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people (GSCC 2007:4). This includes following risk assessment policies and procedures to assess whether the behaviour of service users presents a risk of harm to themselves or others (GSCC 2007: 4.2). Therefore when working with Ms. Evans and her family I would need to be aware of my organisational and statutory duties as there are substantial policies, guidance, and frameworks to inform my practice on risk assessment. When working with children and families as Brayne (2005) highlights, I would need to be aware of the law, which under the Children Act 1989 states; my primary responsibility would be when working with Ms. Evans and her family to that of the child, or children. Ms. Evans has stated that on occasions she and her family have experienced verbal abuse, which would need to be investigated further to decide on any risks this may pose to the family. However she has been described by the Health Visitor as suffering from post natal depression, and finds it difficult to care for her children, aged seven, five, and a ten week old baby who has spinal bifida. Therefore it could be said that my primary statutory concern would be, to what extent is her post natal depression effecting the care and welfare of her children, and does this pose any risks that need to be identified. Risk assessment and the management of risk have become dominant in all areas of social work. Kemshall (1997:123) cited by Davies (1997:123) highlights that within social work risk assessment and risk management have become key issues and are often central in the decisions, to allocate resources, to intervene in the lives and choices of others or to limit the liberties of activities of clients. Risk assessment has become a dominant discourse within social work because social workers are employed within a risk society, which searches for ways to identify and manage risk effectively. (Higham 2005:182) However as stated in the codes of practice, social workers should also recognise that service users have the right to take risks, and help them to identify and manage potential and actual risks to themselves and others (GSCC 2007: 4.1). Higham (2006:182) discusses how service users strengths that are likely to diminish the predicted risks should be assessed in keeping with the social work value of empowerment. Pritchard (1996) cited by Davies (1997:124) discusses how service users should not be denied the opportunities to take risks or exercise choice, and states that, risk-taking is an important feature of all our lives (Davies 1997:124). However, as Thompson (2000) explains, the balance between care and control within social work can be difficult to maintain. By approaching this case with a task centred approach would as Healey (2005) explains, mean focussing on enabling Ms. Evans to make small and meaningful changes in her life, that she has recognised, acknowledged and wanted to work on. Coulshed (1998) highlights that within this approach the service user is the main change agent, helping the worker to assess what the priorities for change ought to be. She further explains that because the worker is as accountable as the service user in carrying out agreed tasks this lessens the sense of powerlessness that the service user maybe feeling. A task centred approach works on a specific set of procedures whereby the service user is helped to carry out problem-alleviating tasks (Coulshed 1998). Healey (2005) explains that it consists of the pre-intervention stage, followed by four sequential but overlapping steps. Therefore firstly I would need to understand and establish the source of referral (the Health Visitor) and negotiate with them any expectations and views. However as Healey (2005) states, by understanding the views of the referring agency does not mean that this has to be the focus of work, as I would need to work with Ms. Evans on defining the target problems. Mutual clarity between Ms. Evans and me would need to be addressed, discussing any limits or boundaries, explaining confidentiality, my role, as well as any legal or other obligations. Working in collaboration with Ms. Evans I would seek to explore and prioritise Ms. Evans views of her problems, as the service user involvement in identifying the target problems are critical to concentrating their efforts on change (Healey 2005:119). Epstein and Brown (2002) cited by Healey (2005) suggest a maximum of three target problems, as it is not necessary to address all problems identified. Success in a few can have a knock-on effect for other problems in a service users life that may enable them to live with these problems or to deal with them (Healey 2005:113). However as Healey (2005) writes, although within a task centred approach the service users definitions of their problems should prevail, in circumstances where the worker is duty bound to insist on considering certain problems, or a judgement has been made of a potential risk that the service user may pose to themselves or others, than these issues should be clearly raised. An explicit agreement (contract) would need to be mutually clarified. This would include times, location of meetings, and detailed information on the goals of intervention, whereby the service user should be responsible for deciding the order in which problems should be addressed (Healey 2005). It should also include any goals the social worker has on behalf of their agency or statutory duties. For example when working with Ms. Evans, goals for intervention might include her health status to be investigated in relation to her post natal depression. As well as this a statement of tasks would be listed to address target problems and to develop the service users problem-solving skills (Healey 2005). This is the key intention of task centred practice, hence we must resist any temptation to do for, rather than do with the service user (Healey 2005:122). An example of one task could be; Ms. Evans to gain more information on spinal bifida and then forward this to her partner, as she feels that he has not accepted their daughters condition, and this could be a fear of the unknown. In supporting Ms. Evans in her task performance I would encourage, and help build on her strengths maybe through rehearsing set tasks with her in the form of role play (Healey 2005). This would enable for any strategies necessary to be put into place to help Ms. Evans overcome any obstacles that she may feel could hinder the completion of a certain task. Task centred practice is a systematic process, therefore throughout my work with Ms. Evans I would need to regularly review performed tasks in order to acknowledge any gain made, as well as address any tasks that have not been performed. This would give me the opportunity to address any issues with Ms. Evans and to explore ways if deemed necessary to revise our contract. Finally integral to the task centred structure is the need for a well planned termination. Healey (2005:124) writes that a clear and looming deadline is vital for concentrating worker and service user efforts on change. Within the termination meeting I would review with Ms, Evans the overall progress of our work, and how in the future she might maintain any progress that has been made (Healey 2005). Healey (2005) explains that a task centred framework provides a shell in which other theoretical perspectives can be incorporated. Incorporating a strengths perspective would, like task centred practice focus on, building a service users capacity to help themselves and to promote a mutual learning partnership between workers and service users, (Healey 2005:158) keeping within the social work values of empowerment, respect and service user self-determination. According to Healey (2005) the strengths perspective concentrates on enabling service users and communities to work towards their future hopes and dreams, rather than looking at past or present problems. Saleeby (1997:4) cited by Healey (2005:152) states that the strengths perspective formula is straightforward, where workers are required to mobilise service users strengths in order to enable them to achieve their goals and objectives, which would lead to the service user having a better quality of life on their terms (Healey 2005:152). Some of the key assumptions of the strengths perspective are, all people have strengths, capacities and resources, and people generally demonstrate resilience, rather than pathology when facing adverse life events. (Healey 2005:157). Healey (2005) discusses the practice principles and how the social worker should adopt a positive and optimistic attitude towards service users, working in partnership with them so solutions to problems are developed collaboratively. Healey (2005:162) further states that the formation of a good working partnership can increase the resources available to solve the problem at hand. Therefore when working with Ms. Evans I would focus on listening to her story, identifying her capacities, strengths, and resourcefulness which could contribute to positive changes. I would clarify any strengths with her as Healey (2005:162) explains, service users can grow when others particularly helpers actively affirm and support their capacity to do so. My role as the social worker would be to facilitate Ms. Evans capacity to acknowledge, and use existing strengths and resources which would enable her to develop new ones. These strengths could be for example; the skills she has developed from parenting, most of which due to her partner being in the Navy she may have done independently. Ms. Evans defines herself as Asian and that Islam is important to her, therefore, another strength could be that of adaptability, and having the inner strength to explore new experiences, as she may have moved from an Asian community to be with her partner in the naval married quarters. According to Saleeby (1996) cited by Healey (2005:164) belonging to a community is the first step towards empowerment. Therefore by working towards social justice principles I would explore with Ms. Evans what formal and informal help was available to her within the community. For example, a mother and toddler group, which would enable her to become part of the community that she feels she has not been accepted into. Healey (2005:164) explains community support can build and draw on the capacities of service users to help themselves and to help others. I would also discuss with her the help she is already receiving in relation to her baby and her diagnosis of spinal bifida, which could mean the family are entitled to both financial and practical help. This could include a family support carer to give some respite, which would allow Ms. Evans some time to pursue her own interests, such as her religion. Further to this I would need to recognise any strengths and assets within Ms. Evans social networks, such as people she may feel can be supportive, maybe discussing with her possible personal support from family and friends (Healey 2005). In conclusion this assignment has discussed the issues of power and how social workers need to be sensitive to and recognise power imbalances. .Following this, risk discourse has been explained, as well as a task centred approach to the case study. Finally the strengths perspective was incorporated which focuses on the capacities and potentialities of the service user.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Urban Survey of Vancouver :: miscellaneous

Urban Survey of Vancouver I live in downtown. It is the heart of the Vancouver. It’s always busy and there are a lot of people on the streets most of the time. I believe that in my area everywhere you look you can see elements that identify that this is urban and is a part of Vancouver. The most obvious elements in downtown is of course would the high buildings. These are mostly the offices of the companies that may base in British Columbia, but also outside the British Columbia’s boundaries. These building are usually tall building, some of them have the logo of the company or companies on top of the front entrance or on the top of the building. Basically, all we can see, without going inside is that men and women go in there in suits, but we know that is where the business is handled. The usual work hours for offices from 9 am to 6 pm. I think another element would be the shopping malls and the large number of stores in Downtown area. There is a large variety of stores, no matter what you are looking for you will find it here for sure. Everything that people require to satisfy themselves, starting from clothes and ending with food. This show that this branch of the city is an important urban part. Almost every single building in downtown area is unique and because this part of the city is one the tourist attractions, the architecture of structures here is at different level than the rest of the city. There is a saying – â€Å"All roads lead to Rome†. In this case all roads lead to downtown Vancouver, for example: sea bus, B-line buses, sky-train. The great transportation routes are all somehow connecting to downtown. From downtown you can get anywhere in the Vancouver area and even further. I would also like to look at the chains of stores and other service providing places, for example Safeway, London drugs, 7-Eleven etc. These companies are very rich and they have a lot of locations. They usually sell only the â€Å"necessary† and expensive stuff. The stores usually sell junk food, and it really hard to find something healthy, but if you do, you will see do that the prices are very high. Another good example would definitely be fast food restaurant or coffee shops. I think that McDonald’s and Starbucks coffee are the leaders of in their field and they have a location on every corner in Downtown.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

There is not one word apt final

Shakespeare uses the antics of Oberon and Puck at the forefront of this comedy, using the â€Å"juice† to make everyone fall in love, however they err due to their arrogance as Oberon vaguely describes Demerits by â€Å"by the Athenian garments he hath on†. The iambic meter indicates these characters are powerful, yet their actions are unintelligent: the concept of incompetent leadership is a humorous stereotype, frequently used in dramatic comedy. Here, however, the joke is mocking power, or rather who we give power to, as Shakespeare portrays Oberon as using his power recklessly.The reason Oberon and Puck start squeezing the juice on the lovers is that the character overheard â€Å"A sweet Athenian girl† and a â€Å"disdainful youth†, and so, in the guise of trying to help them, he creates havoc. Boron's aid, however, is a facade: he only desires control; he knows that Demerits doesn't love Helena back, and so he interferes. This attitude reflects that o f the Queen's court: as Louis Monitors puts it, â€Å"Queen Elizabeth Xi's marital status and her sexual condition were matters of the state†, reflected when Oberon plans to put the juice on Titanic so that she â€Å"renders [her] page† to him.Oberon and Puck, therefore, are shown as metaphors for the male Elizabethan state where the men knew everything about the Queen and tried to control her in order to fulfill their interests: they tried to force her into getting married, and reproducing in order for the country to have an heir, just as Oberon tried to force Titanic to change her mind when she defies him saying â€Å"the fairy land buys not the child off me†.Ultimately, despite Titanic's rebellion, â€Å"she straight away gave† the changeling child to Oberon because he manipulates her with he juice, rendering her love an â€Å"ass†; this is comedic, especially when the character awakens and worries about being â€Å"enamored† to an  "assn. The fact that it was the â€Å"fairy queen† to whom this occurred is significant as this term was often a metaphorical reference to Queen Elizabeth in Renaissance literature.The juice is symbolic of ultimate patriarchal power; however, in reality there is no juice to make the Queen yield and produce an heir for the State. Shakespeare therefore is mocking State power as they can never obtain their desires because for once there was a ruler who resisted male authority. The state also is shown through Oberon and this reference to an â€Å"ass† may actually be a reference to Oberon- whom is the one who has acted truly the â€Å"ass† and has Titanic's love- and so the state itself.This male lust for power in seen, moreover, in the disorder at the start of the play in Shakespearean portrayal of the relationship between Hermit and Segues in regard to her choice of husband. Segues believes â€Å"this hath bewitched the bosom of my daughter†; Shakespeare re fers to Alexander here as â€Å"this†, dehumidifying the character and therefore highlighting the Segues has towards Alexander. Segues wants to â€Å"dispose† of his daughter â€Å"to her death† because she chooses someone other than who he wants: a seeming betrayal.Segues' parental constraint mirrors the expectations Elizabethan parents had for their children, leading to the 1 753 The Hardwired Act which invalidated any marriages of people under 21 or if parental/ guardian consent was not granted; 1 753 was after the play was written demonstrating the dangerous legacy patriarchal Elizabethan England left. Segues also does not refer to Hemi by name through this passage, instead only using pronouns such as her†, yet, the men are named twice in it.This highlights the misogyny as the men, unlike Women, are worthy of name- even Alexander who Was previously simply a ‘this†. The namelessness inflicted on Hermit reflects the fact that before the 1 7th century married females had no second enamel , emphasizing the fact that she was lower than men and just a possession of either her husband or father, as seen as Segues claims â€Å"[Hermit] is mine†. Moreover, the idea of a Helena, a love-struck teenager, following her love who has rejected her is funny, until Demerits threatens to â€Å"do thee mischief n the woods†.The imperative highlights how threatening this character is, and therefore- because Demerits represents a sort of â€Å"Everyman†- is symbolic of the threatening nature of man, a nature also seen in the forcefulness of Oberon. This scene takes place on the outskirts of the â€Å"green world† (the forest) and so in a limbo between reality, sensuality and disorder; we don't know what is possible here therefore making Demerits even more dangerous and thus amplifying the danger of his, and every man's, authority in this world, as we can see by Boron's greater power. This scene betweenDemerits a nd Helena also emphasizes inequality; he threatens this terrible act because a female character is stalking him for love, while he does the same to another. This is ironic and paradoxical, making us question the attitudes Demerits represents; it would appear that it is fine for a bold man to stalk someone because they are- as Dorothy Leigh says- â€Å"amongst the wise†, while when a woman is strong other women ‘Will blush at [their] boldness†2. The motif of rape appears symbolically when Oberon plans to manipulate Demerits, Alexander and Titanic â€Å"when [they are] asleep†: at the eight vulnerability and exposure.Oberon attacks them with the juice, thus taking away their will and dignity, in its place leaving distress- as a rape would do. In this case, Boron's metaphorical actions are tearing apart the â€Å"double cherry† of Hermit and Helena, striping their symbolic sisterhood to a â€Å"union in partition†. However, this violent authority was not uncommon in the 17th century, and neither was it a crime that was prosecuted. It was a popular attitude that women were objects of beauty and obedience, as shown in Dry Faustus.Faustus just wants a â€Å"where† wife, or an illusion of Helen of Troy, neither of whom had free will, and although these two plays are of opposite genres, the aggression towards women is seen in both. This shows how it is not only the genre of dramatic comedy, but renaissance theatre in general which holds a mirror to the darker issues of the day. Misogyny is further seen at the start of the play where Theses claims to have â€Å"won thy heart doing [Happily] injury', the connotations here of violence reflect the patriarchal period of the play.This is emphasizes because Theses took Happily from a injunction matriarchal Amazonian culture to one where she is objectified as nothing more than a prize (coven thy†¦ â€Å") – implying that this â€Å"love† between them is not w hat it appeared to be, but is actually another example of male control. As Alison Plowmen explains, â€Å"nobody had any objections to love as long as the price was right†; Theses will gain status and the potential for an heir. Contrastingly, Happily loses her independence and Persephone, thus foregrounding the both the literal and symbolic battle of the sexes throughout the play due to the male coercion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prejudice and Justice System

I believe that prejudice exists in the criminal justice system. Numerous studies have evidence that have shown prejudice on defendants of color. Social scientists conclude that compared to white defendants, minority groups face a greater chance of prison and severe sentences for identical offenses (Killing With Prejudice). Nearly 51 percent of individuals in a study conducted in Philadelphia, believe that police are more likely to use excessive force against black or Hispanic suspects than white suspects.Minorities are more likely to be victims of police brutality. Not only are minorities treated poorly but also numbers of minorities are sent to trail for non-violent crimes because of discrimination (Racial Discrimination). Of the nearly 2. 1 million adult men and women imprisoned in the United States, roughly 70% are persons of color. People of color are imprisoned disproportionately due to racist laws, and are harassed and mistreated by U.S. agencies. Although people of color commi t most crimes at the same rate as Whites, the unequal targeting and treatment of people of color throughout the criminal justice system, from arrest to sentencing, results in the disproportionate imprisonment of people of color (System as Racist). Hispanics and Blacks who have no criminal record are far more likely to be sentenced than White defendants with no criminal record.Hispanics are twice as likely as Whites to face prison time instead of probation, a fine, or time in a county jail (Racial Prejudice). Blacks are more likely to be sentenced to prison for the same crime than Whites. One third of people of color sentenced to prison would have received a shorter sentence if they had been treated in court the same way as White defendants facing similar charges (System as Racist).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Acid-Base Indicator Definition and Examples

Acids In chemistry and cooking, many substances dissolve in water to make it either acidic or basic/alkaline. A basic solution has a pH greater than 7, while an acidic solution has a pH less than 7. Aqueous solutions with a pH of 7 are considered to be neutral. Acid-base indicators are substances used to determine roughly where a solution falls on the pH scale. Acid-Base Indicator  Definition An acid-base indicator is either a weak acid or weak base that exhibits a color change as the concentration of hydrogen (H) or hydroxide (OH-) ions changes in an aqueous solution. Acid-base indicators are most often used in a titration to identify the endpoint of an acid-base reaction. They are also used to gauge pH values and for interesting color-change science demonstrations. Also Known As: pH indicator Acids Perhaps the best known pH indicator is litmus.  Thymol Blue, Phenol Red and Methyl Orange are all common acid-base indicators. Red cabbage can also be used as an acid-base indicator. How an Acid-Base Indicator Works If the indicator is a weak acid, the acid and its conjugate base are different colors. If the indicator is a weak base, the base and its conjugate acid display different colors. For a weak acid indicator with the genera formula HIn, equilibrium is reached in the solution according to the chemical equation: HIn(aq) H2O(l) ↔ In-(aq) H3O(aq) HIn(aq) is the acid, which is a different color from the base In-(aq). When the pH is low, the concentration of the hydronium ion H3O is high and equilibrium is toward the left, producing the color A. At high pH, the concentration of H3O is low, so equilibrium tends toward the right side of the equation and color B is displayed. An example of a weak acid indicator is phenolphthalein, which is colorless as a weak acid, but dissociates in water to form a magenta or red-purple anion. In an acidic solution, equilibrium is to the left, so the solution is colorless (too little magenta anion to be visible), but as pH increases, the equilibrium shifts to the right and the magenta color is visible. The equilibrium constant for the reaction may be determined using the equation: KIn [H3O][In-] / [HIn] where KIn is the indicator dissociation constant. The color change occurs at the point where the concentration of the acid and anion base are equal: [HIn] [In-] which is the point where half of the indicator is in acid form and the other half is its conjugate base. Universal Indicator Definition A particular type of acid-base indicator is a universal indicator, which is a mixture of multiple indicators that gradually changes color over a wide pH range. The indicators are chosen so mixing a few drops with a solution will produce a color that can be associated with an approximate pH value. Table of Common pH Indicators Several plants and household chemicals can be used as pH indicators, but in a lab setting, these are the most common chemicals used as indicators: Indicator Acid Color Base Color pH Range pKIn thymol blue (first change) red yellow 1.2 - 2.8 1.5 methyl orange red yellow 3.2 - 4.4 3.7 bromocresol green yellow blue 3.8 - 5.4 4.7 methyl red yellow red 4.8 - 6.0 5.1 bromothymol blue yellow blue 6.0 - 7.6 7.0 phenol red yellow red 6.8- 8.4 7.9 thymol blue (second change) yellow blue 8.0 - 9.6 8.9 phenolphthalein colorless magenta 8.2 -10.0 9.4 The acid and base colors are relative. Also note some popular indicators display more than one color change as the weak acid or weak base dissociates more than once. Acid-Base Indicators Key Takeaways Acid-base indicators are chemicals used to determine whether an aqueous solution is acidic, neutral, or alkaline. Because acidity and alkalinity relate to pH, they may also be known as pH indicators.Examples of acid-base indicators include litmus paper, phenolphthalein, and red cabbage juice.An acid-base indicator is a weak acid or weak base that dissociates in water to yield the weak acid and its conjugate base or else the weak base and its conjugate acid. The species and its conjugate have different colors.The point at which an indicator changes colors is different for each chemical. There is a pH range over which the indicator is useful. So, the indicator that might be good for one solution might be a poor choice to test another solution.Some indicators cant actually identify acids or bases, but can only tell you the approximate pH of an acid or a base. For example, methyl orange only works at an acidic pH. It would be the same color above a certain pH (acidic) and also at neutral and alkaline values.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cam Profile Essays

Cam Profile Essays Cam Profile Paper Cam Profile Paper {text:bookmark-start} {draw:frame} TERMPAPER of PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY SUBMITTED By- Name- Gurpreet Singh Class- Mech. Diploma {B-Tech 6yrs} Section- Rj0708 Roll No. Rj0708x30 Reg. No. 4180070122 INRIDUCTION {text:bookmark-start} A Simple Experiment: What is a Cam? {text:bookmark-end} {draw:frame} Simple Cam experiment Take a pencil and a book to do an experiment as shown above. Make the book an inclined plane and use the pencil as a slider (use your hand as a guide). When you move the book smoothly upward, what happens to the pencil? It will be pushed up along the guide. By this method, you have transformed one motion into another motion by a very simple device. This is the basic idea of a cam. By rotating the cams in the figure below, the bars will have either translational or oscillatory motion. Task Basic Principle Graphical Layout of Cam Profiles Simulation Task The task is too determining the exact shape of the cam. Surface required to dwliver a specified follower motion, we assume here that the reqired motion has been completely determine,,,, graphically as well as analytically. We will only address the case of plate cams. Basic principle In constructing the cam profile, we employ the principle of kinematic inversion, imagining the cam to be stationary and allowing the follower to rotate apposite to the direction of cam rotation. Talking the cam with knife-edge follower for example, the locus generated by the trace point as the follower moves relative to the cam is identical to cam surface. By this way cam surface can be figured out. GRAPHICAL LAYOUT OF CAM PROFILE For the case of reciprocating knife-edge follower {draw:frame} As shown in figure the displacement diagram of follower is given s=s. onstruct the plate cam profile. For the case of reciprocating knife-edge follower {draw:frame} Step 1; divide the displacement-diagram abscissa into a number of segments. Step 2:- divide the prime circle into corresponding segments. Step 3:- transfer distances, by means of dividers, from the displacement diagram directly onto the Cam layout to locate the corresponding positions of the trace point. For the case of reciprocating knife-edge follower {draw:frame} Step 4:- draw the smooth curve through these points. The curve is just the required cam profile. For the case of reciprocating offset roller follower {draw:frame} As shown in figure, the displacement diagram of the follower is given S=S. For the case of reciprocating offset roller follower Construct the plate cam profile. {draw:frame} Step 1:- construct the prime circle with radius ro. step 2 ;- construct the offset circle with radius equal to the amount of offset e. For the case of reciprocating offset roller follower {draw:frame} Step 3:- Divide the displacement-diagram abscissa into a number of segments. Srep4: Divide the offset circle into corresponding segments and assign station number to the boundaries of these segments. Step 5:- Construct lines tangent to the offset circle from these station, dividing the prime circle into corresponding segments Step 6:- Transfer distances, by mean of dividers, from the displacement diagram directoly onto the cam layout to locate the corresponding positions of the trace point, always measuring outward from the prime circle. For the reciprocating flat-face follower {draw:frame} As shown in figure, the displacement diagram of the follower is given, S=S. Construct the plate cam profile Step 1; Divide the displacement-diagram abscissa into a number of segments. Step 2:- Divide the prime circle into corresponding segments. Step 3:- Transfer distances from the from the displacements diagram directly onto the cam layout. Step 4:- Construct a line representing the flat face of the follower in each position. Step 5:- construct a smooth curve tangent to all follower positions. This curve is required cam profile For the case of oscillating follower As shown in figure, the displacement diagram of the follower, radious of prime circle, and follower length are given. draw:frame} Construct the plate cam profile Step 1:- Divide the displacement-diagram abscissa into a number of segment. Seep 2:- Draw a circle about camshaft center O with radius OA. Step 3:- Divide the circle and give the station number correspond to the displacement diagram. {draw:frame} Step 4; Draw arcs about each of these centers, all with equal radial corresponding to the l ength of follower. Step 5:- Calculate the angular displacement at each station traveled by the follower. Step 6; Measure outward along the arc from the prime circle to locate trace point at each Station. draw:frame} Step 7:- construct a smooth curve through these points. The curve is just the required cam profile. For the case of reciprocating offset roller follower As shown in figure, the displacement diagram of the follower is given. S=S. The offset distances e, radius of prime r, are also known. Formulate the equation of plate cam profile. {draw:frame} Step 1:- Equation prime curve circle, offset circle, and the initial position of the follower. Draw prime circle, offset circle, and the initial position of the follower. Define the Cartesian coordinate system O-xy. Rotate the follower backward arbitrary angle around the camshaft center O. {draw:frame} Determine the coordinate (x,y) of trace point B. The synthesis results can be validated by simulation. Here is an example. The simulation is done with software ADAMS/VIEW. Example : Design a plate cam profile, as shown in below. {draw:frame} Knowing: the cam profile rotates with constant angular velocity in clockwise. The radius prome circle ro=30mm. the knife-edge follower rises with uniform motion, and the lift is 50mm during which the rotates 180’. Then the follower dwells during which the cam rotates 60’. With cam rotating 120’ to complete the work cycle, the follower returns to its initial position with paraboric motion. {draw:frame} Follower displacement: Solid dark line- actual displacement Dash linegiven displacement {draw:frame} Simulation shows that the error b/w the actual follower displacement and given follower displacement varies, but the maximum absolute error is 0. 3747mm. The error is brought by step lenth of programming and simulation and is accepatable. Therefore the the synthesis result is proved to be correct.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Microceratops - Facts and Figures

Microceratops - Facts and Figures Name: Microceratops (Greek for small horned face); pronounced MIKE-roe-SEH-rah-tops; also known as Microceratus Habitat: Woodlands of central Asia Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (70 million years ago) Size and Weight: About three feet long and 15-20 pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Tiny size; occasional bipedal posture; small frill on head About Microceratops First things first: the dinosaur most people know as Microceratops underwent a name change in 2008, to the slightly less snazzy-sounding Microceratus. The reason is that (unbeknownst to the dinosaur paleontology community) the name Microceratops had already been assigned to a genus of wasp, and the classification rules say that no two creatures, no matter how different, no matter if one is alive and the other is extinct, can have the same genus name. (This is the same principle that led to Brontosaurus having its name changed to Apatosaurus a few decades back.) Whatever you choose to call it, the 20-pound Microceratops was almost certainly the smallest ceratopsian, or horned, frilled dinosaur, that ever lived, outweighed even by the middle Cretaceous Psittacosaurus, which lay near the root of the ceratopsian family tree. Remarkably, just like its distant ancestor from tens of millions of years back, Microceratops seems to have walked on two legsthat, and its unusually tiny frill, making it a far cry from the normal ceratopsians with which it coexisted, like Triceratops and Styracosaurus. (You should bear in mind, though, that Microceratops was diagnosed on the basis of very limited fossil remains, so theres still a lot we dont know about this dinosaur!)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

To what Extend can a Measure of National Income (GDP) Give an Coursework

To what Extend can a Measure of National Income (GDP) Give an Indication on How Well a Population is Doing - Coursework Example These assumptions and suggestions from both sides will be analyzed as to which side is actually more capable to justify their stance. David Cameron, the British prime minister, stated at near the end of 2010 that happiness cannot be measured by money and that it was time when the humans gained some maturity and realize that money is not the most important thing in life and there are other factors such as family, culture and relationships which influence the happiness of a person (Stratton, 2010). What Mr. David Cameron and his advisors suggest here that rather than GDP, the Gross National Happiness (GNP) is a more accurate measure of the people’s happiness. The concept of GNH or Gross National Happiness was first introduced in 1972 by the Bhutanese King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who coined this term in an effort to ensure that the society was truly happy from inside and not just motivated by money. Research then started on this topic and there were several suggestions which com bined to form the satisfaction and happiness in a person’s life. ... forums, it has been argued that money is not the only contributing factor to wellness and happiness, but they admit that it is one of the most important factors. The argument, that there are more important things in life that contributes to the true development of humans, is based upon the simple observation that the richest countries in the world are not necessarily the happiest. Philippines is not a very rich country and their gross domestic product per capita is considered at around $3500 which makes it clear that there are economies and nations who have much higher GDP per capita than that of Philippines. If GDP would really have been the only contributor in the wellness and happiness of a person, then there would have been much happier nations around than Philippines. However, this is not true because the Filipinos are considered to be one of the happiest nations in the world and they are always smiling around very much satisfied with their life. The main reason of the happiness and satisfaction of their life despite their low GDP is the culture and the presence of their families. Philippines have a very collectivist lifestyle and they like to live with their families and prefer their own culture rather than adopting it from outside their community. When they get this culture, it is only fitting that they are happy in what they have. (Cassandra, 2010) Figure 1: United Kingdom GDP Growth Rate (Trading Economics, n.d.) The figure above, Figure 1, shows the changes in the gross domestic product in United Kingdom in the year 2011. The graph shows that the there were fluctuations in the GDP growth rate throughout the different quarters of financial year 2011-12. However, this does not necessarily means that the happiness and well being of the UK population was also

Friday, October 18, 2019

489 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

489 - Assignment Example kills was but the only choice available for me not only to add value to my career as an accountant, but to be able to meet the modern error challenges head-on. I went back to class to be able to unravel what I was not able to do, and so exploit my potential to the bream, for nothing is degrading as using borrowed skills again and again, yet it is within reach. Uncle Sam: Well, I am an accountant, and it would not make sense to deviate that much at stage of my career. I am taking advanced accounting mathematics applications using modern computing technology. It is rigorous, serious, and more importantly, transformative to what I have. I simply love it. Uncle Sam: Adult Education is but a discipline in its own right, and that its methodology is perfectly befitting for adult learners only. I am a professional with unique set of skills, and so whatever information received is but an add-on to those in stock. It is different and unique because unlike a child, I know for sure that my learning must to be meaningful, and complementary to the numerous experiences I have had so far. To reiterate, my learning is well informed with a transitory need to perform certain, specific tasks in furtherance to the information already in stock. The skills passed on to us are basically tailored on solving problems, and real problems for that matter, and not necessarily on content per se. It is also important to note that unlike it was in childhood, I am intrinsically motivated to learn, and that my participation in learning activities are basically voluntary. No one pushes me to go to school. I get it from my inner self, and so largely self-directed. I have a specific mission to achieve, with past experiences coming in handy at certain crucial times. Accordingly, there is always that capacity to think critically and/or transform ideas into workable solutions. A child basically copies what adults do, and so are my children as I was then. Their personalities hinges on mine and/or any

Three Religious Traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Three Religious Traditions - Essay Example In a reflective analysis of the origin and history of all the three religious traditions, it becomes obvious that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam worship the same God. It is obvious that the God of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob has been worshiped by Jews, Muslims and Christians, though there is vital difference in the understanding of the nature of God in these religions. Thus, it becomes clear that Judaism which is historically the first to start off also provided the base for the monotheistic traditions of the other two religions. The history of Abraham in the three religions offer striking parallelism among these religions and the Judeo-Christian tradition believe that it was Isaac who was offered as a sacrifice to God while the Islam tradition claims that it was Ishmael. Whatever the truth of this may be, it is obvious that all these three religious traditions have the same origin and they share the faith in the same God, although named differently. Therefore, in a profound analysis of the history of origin and faith of the Christian, the Jewish, and the Islam traditions, I am greatly convinced that the Jews, Muslims and Christians all worship the same God. The religious traditions of the Christians, Jews, and Muslims have several elements in common as they are all monotheistic and have the same o

Do you think it is advantageous for both the union and management to Essay

Do you think it is advantageous for both the union and management to remain flexible during collective bargaining negotiations - Essay Example Whenever there is a collective bargaining negotiation, the employees’ representatives usually take a broad step and approach the employer or the management in an effort to negotiate a deal on behalf of the employees in which both sides (employer and employees) have a take and can come to an agreement. Some of the common employees-employer issues include wages and salaries, the general working conditions, the rules and regulations that govern their activities and practices, the benefits accrued to them among other issues (Wise geek 2010). This piece of work looks into the relationships between the workers unions and the management or employer with much emphasis being given to the flexibility and rigidity of both the union and the management during collective bargaining negotiations and the benefits and problems accrued to either the flexibility or rigidity of either party. Various organizational examples will be used to justify some of the arguments related to collective bargai ning. Rise of Collective Bargaining Howell (1992) asserts that Collective bargaining is a concept that can be traced towards the end of the nineteenth century when most workers were now aware of their rights and hence they had the urge to demand for more rights related to their positions in the work places. They were able to recognize that they were involved in the success of the organizations and therefore they had to be treated well. It is then that most skilled personnel could use their skills and knowledge as the basis of bargaining in an effort to make the employers fulfil their workplace needs. Before, people were aware of the collective bargaining negotiations, they would engage in aspects like demonstrations, strikes and sheer numbers to air their issues and problems to the management until some labour pioneers came up and established a system that facilitated collective bargaining such that the negotiations between the employees and the employers could now run smoothly in a n organized manner and better solutions would be attained. Collective bargaining acts as a means of improving the terms and conditions of trade unions and also restores the unequal bargaining position that may exist between employer and employees. It is however important to note that although the collective bargaining negotiations usually result in a conclusion they do not always lead to a collective agreement. The process of collective bargaining entails various steps for example preparation which entails composition of a negotiation team from both sides, discussion of the rules and regulations to govern the negotiations, proposal which entails bringing forth of various views and embracing aspects of brainstorming, the bargaining process and finally the settlement where the parties come to a conclusion (Industrial Relations 2007). The above chart shows clearly the general aspects that are contained in the process of collective bargaining (MetaPress 1997). Reasons and consequences o f rigidity in collective bargaining negotiations According to Franz and Feiffer (2006), there are various reasons and consequences that are associated with rigidity in the collective bargaining negotiations irrespective of the party that is rigid. The employment condition that is of focus here is the wage rigidity which seems to affect most employees as they feel that they are being oppressed

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Argument paper FOR the legalization of marijuana Essay

Argument paper FOR the legalization of marijuana - Essay Example The economic feasibility of decriminalizing marijuana has become a much-discussed subject in recent years. The federal government presently spends a lot of capital on law enforcement to combat distributors and producers of drugs. By legalizing drugs this could eradicate much of the profit, bloodshed and corruption of that trade. If legalizing drugs is to have a positive effect on the crime rate, drugs must be made both inexpensive and available. Studies have repetitively suggested that prohibiting marijuana in the U.S. has not shown to be efficient or effective. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, â€Å"U.S. federal, state and local governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to make America ‘drug-free.’ Yet heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other illicit drugs are cheaper, purer and easier to get than ever before. (â€Å"England.† 2006) The damage done by the ‘war on drugs’ to underprivileged countries that produce the drugs and poor persons within the wealthy nations who buy the drugs exceeds any benefits achieved by the current bans. These government’s drug laws have not produced the desired results of reducing drug use, instead a great number of innocent people have had their lives ruined. â€Å"Many critics argue that the increased toughness of that policy has done more harm than good. Some go so far as to suggest that drugs should simply be legalized† (Caulkins, et al. 2005). If marijuana were legalized, governments would have the ability to regulate quality and, like alcohol, the ages allowed to purchase and the ability to add safety warnings to help educate users. People in this country who only use small amounts of marijuana have routinely been arrested and jailed for mere possession; actions that don’t take drugs off the streets or persuade more people to quit using the them. At the same time, imprisoning those who possess marijuana creates a burden on society as tax dollar s must be increased to support these people who are no longer free to secure employment outside prison. The domino effect of this circumstance puts more children and their families onto the welfare roles, contributing to their consequential failure and dependence on society. (â€Å"England.† 2006) â€Å"In the United States, drug use is illegal and the police hunt down drug users to throw them in prison. Four thousand people died from illegal drugs in the US last year and we now have more than 600,000 people in prison on drug charges.† (Schaffer, 2006) While much literature exists that provides evidence for both sides of this subject, what seems very clear is that the ‘war on drugs’ remains unsuccessful at its principal goal – that of stopping drug use within the nation’s border. High school students continue to find marijuana extremely easy to come by, numbers regarding the use of marijuana remain stable and there is an increasing trend in t he country for reforming the archaic laws. The entire reasoning behind drug war is prohibition, limiting the supply which would in turn limit use. (Males, 2010). The hypothesis holds that by limiting the source so as to make it practically impossible to acquire the demand for these products will inevitably, and somehow magically, disappear. Prohibition strategies

Stocks & Perspective of Corporate Finance Assignment

Stocks & Perspective of Corporate Finance - Assignment Example They have a 30.29% institutional ownership. In Target Corporation, institutional investors have a 28% institutional ownership. b.) In Wal-mart, institutional investors increase the share capital by 30.29%. Such a shareholding is has a material effect on the company’s retained earnings. In Target Corporation, institutional ownership has a significant portion of share capital. Institutional investors have diversified the range of investments, therefore increasing cash from investing activities. In Wal-mart, there are 15 members in the board of directors. Seven (7) of them are employees. The longest serving board of director is Douglas N. Daft while the shortest serving board of director is H. Lee Scott, Jr. In Target Corporation, there are 12 members in the board of directors. Ten (10) of them are employees. The longest serving director is James A. Johnson while the shortest serving director is Mary E.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Argument paper FOR the legalization of marijuana Essay

Argument paper FOR the legalization of marijuana - Essay Example The economic feasibility of decriminalizing marijuana has become a much-discussed subject in recent years. The federal government presently spends a lot of capital on law enforcement to combat distributors and producers of drugs. By legalizing drugs this could eradicate much of the profit, bloodshed and corruption of that trade. If legalizing drugs is to have a positive effect on the crime rate, drugs must be made both inexpensive and available. Studies have repetitively suggested that prohibiting marijuana in the U.S. has not shown to be efficient or effective. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, â€Å"U.S. federal, state and local governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to make America ‘drug-free.’ Yet heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other illicit drugs are cheaper, purer and easier to get than ever before. (â€Å"England.† 2006) The damage done by the ‘war on drugs’ to underprivileged countries that produce the drugs and poor persons within the wealthy nations who buy the drugs exceeds any benefits achieved by the current bans. These government’s drug laws have not produced the desired results of reducing drug use, instead a great number of innocent people have had their lives ruined. â€Å"Many critics argue that the increased toughness of that policy has done more harm than good. Some go so far as to suggest that drugs should simply be legalized† (Caulkins, et al. 2005). If marijuana were legalized, governments would have the ability to regulate quality and, like alcohol, the ages allowed to purchase and the ability to add safety warnings to help educate users. People in this country who only use small amounts of marijuana have routinely been arrested and jailed for mere possession; actions that don’t take drugs off the streets or persuade more people to quit using the them. At the same time, imprisoning those who possess marijuana creates a burden on society as tax dollar s must be increased to support these people who are no longer free to secure employment outside prison. The domino effect of this circumstance puts more children and their families onto the welfare roles, contributing to their consequential failure and dependence on society. (â€Å"England.† 2006) â€Å"In the United States, drug use is illegal and the police hunt down drug users to throw them in prison. Four thousand people died from illegal drugs in the US last year and we now have more than 600,000 people in prison on drug charges.† (Schaffer, 2006) While much literature exists that provides evidence for both sides of this subject, what seems very clear is that the ‘war on drugs’ remains unsuccessful at its principal goal – that of stopping drug use within the nation’s border. High school students continue to find marijuana extremely easy to come by, numbers regarding the use of marijuana remain stable and there is an increasing trend in t he country for reforming the archaic laws. The entire reasoning behind drug war is prohibition, limiting the supply which would in turn limit use. (Males, 2010). The hypothesis holds that by limiting the source so as to make it practically impossible to acquire the demand for these products will inevitably, and somehow magically, disappear. Prohibition strategies

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Muhammad The Prophet Essay Example for Free

Muhammad The Prophet Essay Muhammad is considered in Islam to be a messenger and prophet sent by God to guide humanity to the right way. He is considered as the last in a series of prophets sent by God. The Quran is believed to have been presented to Muhammad by God. Muhammad is know as the greatest of all prophets to the Muslims, and his religion as the only accepted religion of God. He is seen by Muslims as a possessor of all virtues. The scattered verses of the Prophet had been inscribed not only on date leaves and shreds of leather but on â€Å"the hearts of men. † Muller says, â€Å"Now Muhammad had certainly not lived like an angel† referring to how Muhammad had raided one of their caravans in the holy month of pilgrimage. He also says this because in 632 Muhammad confused his followers by dying. In war Muhammad lied to his men promising them that if they were to die in battle that they would marry seventy dark-eyed virgins. Muhammad also had preached gospels that where unholy. I his gospels he encouraged war and had no message of peace. He also had eleven wives making him unholy, but this had to do with the time and place that he lived in. to everyone but strong Muslims Muhammad was a bad person and a mortal. But to the Muslims he was a descendent of God. Yet Muhammad was a great man, superior to his time and place. He not only preached but practiced a morality that was superior to his era. If he could be ruthless, he was more often gentle, kind, generous. He could be Christ like in his sympathy for the weak and poor. Through the fog of tradition one can see an attractive humanity, as in his unfailing courtesy touched by shyness. His humble sharing of the household chores. You can understand why he was so deeply loved by those around him. Muhammad is like Jesus in the sense that he showed complete dedication to his God. He also had a power of personality that had as deep of an impression on his followers as Jesus made on his. His basic teaching is clearer and more nearly uniform than that attributed to Jesus. The theme of more than half of the Koran is about an absolutely pure monotheism. â€Å"There is no god but God.† Allah is the God preached by the prophets, from Abraham and Ishmael through Moses to Jesus, and revealed in the Scriptures of the Jews and the Christians. Abraham was the true founder of the faith, Muhammad the last prophet, and the Koran the final perfect revelation

Monday, October 14, 2019

Transformational Leadership Style And Organizational Culture Management Essay

Transformational Leadership Style And Organizational Culture Management Essay This quantitative research investigates the relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The literature supported the relationship between these variables and the relationship between these variables was investigated by different approaches. However, in the current study the researcher uses transformational leadership style which introduced by Bass as a independent variable and four types of organizational culture such as Clan, Hierarchy, Adhocracy, Market and which introduced by Cameron and Quinn in 1999 as a mediator variable, while the three dimensions of organizational commitment such as Affective, Normative and Continuance commitment which introduced by Meyer and Allen in 1991 and job satisfaction as dependent variables. The objectives of this research are Firstly, to determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Secondly, to determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Thirdly, to determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocratic) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Fourthly, to determine the effect of Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocratic) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. fifthly, to determine the effect of Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocratic) on the relationship between tr ansformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Lastly, to determine the nature of the relationship between organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To achieve these aims four instruments will use in this research such as Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) uses to test employee opinions about leadership style, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) uses to measure Organizational Culture, (TCOCQ) Three Components Organizational Commitment Questionnaire uses to measure Organizational Commitment and (JSS) Job Satisfaction Survey to measure Job Satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The pilot study asserted that these instruments were suitable for this research because the result of the Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficients for the transformational leadership style, organizational culture, organizational commitment and job satisfaction are more than 0.70. The nature of the data and the relationship between the method and the research objectives are considered as the basis for selecting the right statistical methods. Therefore, this study used what is relevant to the research question and framework. The statistical methods will be used in this study consist of Descriptive analysis, Inferential analysis, Correlation, and Multiple linear regression. The findings from this study will also provide some useful information of leadership style in oil sector in Libya to many researchers and managers with the opportunity to gain and enhance their knowledge in this field, and will be contribute building knowledge and an understanding in this field in National Oil Corporation in Libya insha Allah. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Libya is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa. Libya has attracted hydrocarbon exploration since 1956, when the first wildcat oil well was drilled onshore in the Sirte Basin. Libya granted multiple concessions to Esso, Mobil, Texas Gulf, and others, resulting in major oil discoveries by 1959. The government dominates Libyas economy through control of oil resources, which account for approximately 95% of export earnings, 75% of government receipts, and over 50% of GDP. The National Oil Corporation was established in 1970. It dominates Libyas oil industry, along with a number of smaller subsidiaries, which combined account for around half of the countrys oil output. Figure 1.1the map of Libya describes Gas Pipeline, Oil Pipeline, Oil Field, Liquefied Gas Planet Oil Terminal (Oil Exporting harbor) and Petroleum refining which owned and controlled by National Oil Corporation in Libya. Figure 1.1: Map of Libya describes Gas Pipeline, Oil Pipeline, Oil Field, Liquefied Gas Planet Oil Terminal (Oil Exporting harbor) and Petroleum refining which owned and controlled by National Oil Corporation in Libya. Source: (8-4-2011) National Oil Corporation is carrying out exploration and production operations through its own affiliated companies, or in participation with other companies under service contracts or any other kind of petroleum investment agreements. This is in addition to marketing operations of oil and gas, locally and abroad. NOC has its own fully owned companies which carry out exploration, development and production operations, in addition to local and international marketing companies. NOC also has participation agreements with specialized international companies. Such agreements have developed into exploration and production sharing agreements, in accordance with the development of the international oil and gas industry, and international petroleum marketing. The National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC) is a state-owned company that controls Libyas oil and gas production. The company is the biggest oil producer in Africa. Its mandate was to endeavor to promote the Libyan economy by undertakin g development, management and exploitation of oil resources as well as by participating in planning and executing the general oil policy of the state. The Brega Petroleum Marketing Company, a subsidiary of NOC, was set up to carry out the marketing activities of NOC, and the marketing assets of all the foreign oil companies were nationalized. A point of that during the past four decades, the impact of leadership styles on organizational performance has been a topic of interest among academics and practitioners working in the area of leadership (Darwish, 1998; Sadler, 2003; Rowe et al., 2005; Gadot,2007; Yiing, and Zaman Ahmad, 2009). The researcher would like to examine how leadership style influences organization performance in Libya in (NOC). Rowe et al (2005) pointed out that the most prominent reason for this interest is the widespread belief that leadership can affect organizations performance (Jing and Avery, 2008). In addition, the creation of a state-owned oil company allowed Libya to follow in the footsteps of other oil-producing economies, where control of such a revenue-generating resource lay with the government. Soon after its establishment, NOC signed a joint venture agreement with the U.S. Occidental Petroleum involving production-sharing. In 1971, NOC arranged a processing deal with Sincat of Italy for refining oil products for domestic consumption, thereby providing a cheap supply of oil for internal Libyan consumption. A joint drilling company was formed with Saipem, a subsidiary of the Italian ENI, in early 1972. By April 1974, production-sharing agreements had been reached with Exxon, Mobil, Compagnie Franà §aise des Pà ©troles, Elf Aquitaine, and Agip. By using the surplus funds and technical expertise of the foreign oil companies, the problem of stimulating investment in exploration was resolved. In 1980, the Libyan Arabian Gulf Oil Company (Agoco) was established by NOC throug h the amalgamation of the Arabian Gulf Exploration Company, Umm-al-Jawabi Oil Company, and direct NOC exploration and production interests. NOC continued to make production-sharing agreements. In 2004, NOCs estimated crude oil output was 1.623 million barrels per day. The company hoped to raise its production to two million barrels per day by 2007. Figure 1.2 below shows the revenue of National Oil Corporation in Libya from (1999 to 2009). Figure 1.2: Libyas Oil Production (1999-2009) in million barrels per day Source: British Petroleum, BP Statistical Review of World Energy June (2010) This study set out to investigate whether there is an interrelation between transformational leadership style and organizational culture, and the effect of organizational culture on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. In particular, our knowledge would benefit from an understanding of how leadership and organizational culture affect job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study examines Libya National Oil Corporation in relation to leadership style in the organization. Thus, the study also would like to explore an organizational culture of the National Oil Corporation and finally how does leadership style in particular transformational leadership style may influence the National Oil Corporation progresses. The subject of leadership is interesting for many researchers. In addition, the continued search for good leaders has resulted in the development of many leadership theories (Mosadegh and Yarmohammadian, 2006). According to Oluseyi and Ayo (2009) Leadership is a central feature of organizational performance. This is an essential part of management activities of people and directing their efforts towards the goals and objectives of the organization. There must be an appropriate form of behavior to enhance performance. Leadership might be viewed in terms of the role of the leaders and their ability to achieve effective performance from others. In recent years, leadership has been studied in various ways, depending on the researchers methodological preferences and definition of leadership (Chen, 2002; Reuvers, et al., 2008; Gadot, 2007). Oluseyi and Ayo (2009) defined Leadership as the moral and intellectual ability to visualize and work for what is best for the company and its employees. Good management and effective leadership help to develop team work and the integration of individual and group goals. On the other hand, Kenny and Zaccaro (1983) suggested that leaders to be successful need a behavioral repertoire and the ability to select the right role for the situation. To do this, leaders need both cognitive and behavioral complexity and flexibility a leader needs the ability to perceive the needs and goals of a constituency and the ability to adjust ones personal approach to group action (Leban and Zulauf 2004). Therefore, Mosadeghrad et al (2006) pointed out that while there are several styles of leadership such as: autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-faire, charismatic, democratic, participative, situational, transactional, and transformational leadership. Not everyone agrees that a particular style of leadership will result in the most effective form of organizational behavior. Different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. No one leadership style is ideal for every situation, since a leader may have knowledge and skills to act effectively in one situation but may not emerge as effectively in a different situation. In contrast, Darwish (1998) pointed out that there is wide disagreement among scholars with regard to effective leadership style. For instance, Brozik (1994) argues that no one type of leadership style is the best in all situations. The leader, subordinates and the environment or the task determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of each style Kur (1995) believes that effectiveness in leading is directly related to the leaders way of thinking about him, subordinates, organization and environment. Likert (1977) argue that the participative style is more productive in any culture. In the last three decades many scholars had received increasing attention to two new paradigms called transformational leadership and transactional leadership where the interests of the study are. It added a new dimension to organizational studies, namely the visionary aspect of leadership and the emotional involvement of employees within an organization. The basic notion is that a visionary leader can create an impression that he has high competence and a vision to achieve success (Jing and Avery, 2008). According to Bass (1985) developed a theory of visionary or transformational leadership whereby the leader inspires and activates subordinates to perform beyond normal expectations (Jing and Avery, 2008). The study would like to examine this in National Oil Corporation in Libya. On other hand, Lowe et al., (1996) pointed out that there are four dimensions of transformational leadership style such as: Idealized influence or charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Bass et al., 2003; Piccolo and Colquitt, 2006), defined these dimensions for transformational leadership as follows: a. Idealized influence or Charisma is the degree to which leaders behave in such a charismatic way that followers identify with them. b. Inspirational motivation is the degree to which leaders articulate visions for the future that appeal to followers. c. Intellectual stimulation is the degree to which leaders challenge assumptions, take risks, and solicit followers ideas. d. Individualized consideration is the degree to which leaders attend to followers needs, act as mentors or coaches, and listen to followers concerns. Bass, (1985), Burns (1978) Leadership is considered a factor that has a major influence on the performance of organizations, managers and employees. More recently, researchers have focused mainly on the subordinates perspective and proposed two main facets of leadership transactional and transformational. This theory suggests that transformational leadership, more than transactional leadership, has a stronger positive effect on employees attitudes towards their job, their job environment, and ultimately affects their work performance. Oluseyi and Ayo (2009) pointed out that leadership is a central feature of organizational performance. This is an essential part of management activities of people and directing their efforts towards the goals and objectives of the organization. There must be an appropriate form of behavior to enhance performance. Leadership might be viewed in terms of the role of the leaders and their ability to achieve effective performance from others. On the other hand, Xenikou and Simosi (2006) suggested that organizational culture and transformational leadership have been theoretically and empirically linked to organizational effectiveness. During the 1990s a number of comparative studies on the culture-performance link showed that certain culture orientations are conducive to performance. Lok and Crawford (2004) pointed out that organizational culture can influence how people set personal and professional goals, perform tasks and administer resources to achieve them. Organizational culture affects the way in which people consciously and subconsciously think make decisions and ultimately the way in which they perceive. While other researchers has suggested that organizational culture can exert considerable influence in organizations particularly in areas such as performance and commitment. Bass (1985) said that transformational leaders frequently change their organizations culture with a new vision and revision of its shared assumptions values and norms. In a transformational culture, there is generally a sense of purpose and a feeling of family. Superiors feel a personal obligation to help new members assimilate into the culture. Assumptions, norms, and values do not preclude individuals from pursuing their own goals and rewards. In addition, Bass (1985) mentioned that transformational qualities lead to performance beyond expectations in organizational settings. A study of Ogbonna and Harris (2000) organizational culture and leadership finds that the two areas have been independently linked to organizational performance. A little critical research attention has been devoted to understand the links between the leadership and culture also and the impact that such an association might have on organizational performance (Ogbonna and Harris, 2000). Organizational commitment is an important employee attribute from the organizations perspective. Several studies have found relationships between high-commitment human resource policies and positive organizational outcomes such as productivity, quality, and profitability (Perryer and Jordan 2005). Organizational commitment has been studied in relation to employee performance there is still considerable controversy surrounding the precise nature of the relationship. While there is some evidence to suggest that organizational commitment is a mediating variable between leadership and performance. Consequently, studies that examine the complex relationships and interaction between these variables will be of value to management theorists and practitioners. Lok and Crawford (2004) said that organizational commitment and job satisfaction have received significant attention in studies of the work place. This is due to the general recognition that these variables can be the major determinants of organizational performance and effectiveness. A numerous of studies in the area of job satisfaction and organizational commitment have been asserted that leadership and organizational culture have significant impact on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Chen and Francesco, 2000; Mathieu and Zajac, 1990; Williams and Hazer, 1986). Lok and Crawford (2004) had the same result in his research which has been done to make comparative between Hong Kong and Australian managers the result confirms that organizational culture and leadership styles are important organizational antecedents of job satisfaction and commitment. However, the influence of national culture on leadership styles, organizational culture and their subsequent effects on employees job satisfaction and organizational commitment were not explored intensively enough in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To choose National Oil Corporation in Libya for the current study because Libya is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). It holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa which make it as one of the most important oil-producing countries in Africa and in the world. Therefore, petroleum sector in Libya is very important sector which is like the backbone of Libyan economy. In this context, National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC) is a state-owned company that controls Libyas oil and gas production. The company is the biggest oil producer in Africa. Its mandate was to endeavor to promote the Libyan economy by undertaking development, management and exploitation of oil resources as well as by participating in planning and executing the general oil policy of the state. In additionally, the study expected to offer some useful information of leadership style in National Oil Corporation in Libya, and hopes that this useful information can help to contribute building knowledge and an understanding in this filed in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 1.2 Purpose of Research Study The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture, with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Cameron and Quinn (1999) pointed out that numerous studies report the most frequent reason given for the failure of planned organizational change was due to a neglect of the organizational culture. According to Schneider (2000) Organizational culture is a key to organizational success, and effective leadership is the means by which the culture is created and managed. Understanding organizational culture is an important activity for managers because it affects strategic development, productivity and learning at all levels of management (Twati and Gammack, 2006). The relationship between transformational leadership style and organizational culture was examined by some researchers such as Xenikou and Simosi (2006), who asserted in his study that organizational culture had direct impact on organization performance while transformational leadership had indirect positive influence on performance through its impact achievement orientation. This study showed that organizational culture mediates the effect of transformational leadership on performance. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to accept or reject the suppositions that there is a relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with job satisfaction and organization commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Therefore, Yiing and Bin Ahmad (2009) pointed out that leaders behaviors have positive and significant relationship with organizational commitment. On the other hand, cultures have significant moderating effects on the relationship between leadership behaviors and organizational commitment. However, the main academic purpose of this study is to make a contribution in leadership field behaviors on culture and on organization behavior in the petroleum sector in Libya. 1.3 Problem Statement The oil sector is the most important sector in Libya. Libya is one of the most important oil-producing countries in Africa and in the world and that the interest in this sector is very important. Therefore, this sector needs professionals leaders who can achieve all the goals of both employees and organization. An organization short on capital can borrow money, and one with a poor location can move. But an organization short on leadership has little chance for survival (Darwish, 1998). A set of characteristics that help leaders to achieve the plans, programs, policies and strategy that have been developed and the advancement of their respective organizations. The most important of these characteristics experience, decision-making, knowledge and to deal with the environmental variables that may occur both within and outside the organization. The weakness of these skills and characteristics makes it difficult for leaders to carry out its functions and achieve organizations goals. Therefore, Chen (2002) found that transformational leadership behaviors have a slightly positive relationship with organizational commitment. While Harris and Mossholder (1996), pointed out that organizational culture stands as the center from which all other factors of human resource management derive. It is believed to influence individuals attitudes concerning outcomes, such as commitment, motivation, morale, and satisfaction. In addition, Bass (1985) have mentioned that demonstrates the relationship between leadership and culture by examining the impact of different styles of leadership on culture. He argues that transformational leaders frequently work towards changing the organizational culture in line with their vision. Similarly, Brown (1992) observes that good leaders need to develop the skills that enable them to alter aspects of their culture in order to improve their organizational performance. The leaders of National Oil Corporation have to know that organizational culture, organization commitment and job satisfaction are very important factors can help them to achieve the goals of the organization, and these variables enhance organization performance. In short, and based to what has been mentioned above, this study is trying to clarify the relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Which the researcher believes it does not exist in Libya National Oil Corporation. Specifically, the relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with job satisfaction and organizational commitment and how organizational culture effect the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The research questions are as follows: 1. Is there any relationship between transformational leadership style organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 2. Is there any relationship between transformational leadership style job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 3. Is there any relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 4. Does Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) have any effect on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 5. Does Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) have any effect on the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 6. Is there any relationship between organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 1.4 Focus and Research Objectives The overall objective of this study is to examine the role of leadership style in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. The specific objective in this study is to clarify the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction and organizational commitment while organizational culture is the mediate variable in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. The study expected to offer some useful information of leadership style in oil sector in Libya, and hopes that this useful information can help to contribute building knowledge and an understanding in this filed in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The breakdown of these objectives yields the following specific objectives: 1. To determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 2. To determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 3. To determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 4. To determine the effect of organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 5. To determine the effect of organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 6. To determine the nature of the relationship between organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 1.5 Rationale of Study Previous studies have examined the link between leadership paradigms and behaviors and have shown a positive relationship, none has explained the nature of this connection, and therefore, how and why leadership affects performance. Future research needs to address this deficiency. In sum, based on the above discussion, there are many problems and gaps in existing studies of the leadership performance relationship that need to be addressed before a clear picture of this relationship can be drawn (Jing and Avery, 2008). Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the Notional Oil Corporation in Libya. Therefore, the topic of leadership is very important to the organization performance and the entire petroleum sector. Leaders can set the direction of the organization and it is very significance issue can lead the organization to achieve their goals. To do this study in the Notional Oil Corporation in Libya because Libya is the one of the (OPEC) organization and this sector is very important which is like the backbone of Libyan economy. Therefore, organization culture influences organization performance and also the employees. Organization culture influence perceptions of employees towards investors of technology transfer. Additionally, try to add useful information to improve our knowledge for this field in Libya. 1.6 Significance of Study This study is important for several reasons, to make a positive view of transformational leadership style in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. To clarify the problems and barriers encountered in application of transformational leadership style programs in the National Oil Corporation in Libya in the context to the case included in this study. In addition, to clarify the role of leadership to improve organization performance in the National Oil Corporation in Libya and to what extent this leadership succeeded to achieve organizations goals. On the other hand, this study is an attempt to participate in and contribute to research resulting in knowledge increases. Assist scholars, and other researches in leadership field. The researcher achieved that the leadership style and organizational culture play a significant role to effect organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. In particular, how transformational leadership style and organizational culture can impact organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Finally, the researcher achieved the nature of the relationship between all these concepts such as transformational leadership style, organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 1.7 Definition of Terms 1.7.1 Leadership Leadership, like most other concepts in social sciences, has no single or unique definition. It has been defined differently by different authors. Leadership is defined as the process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of objectives. While others defined leadership as a management function, which is mostly directed towards people and social interaction, as well as the process of influencing people so that they will achieve the goals of the organization. 1.7.2 Leadership Style Leadership style is the way to understand why leaders, faced with seemingly identical situations, use such different decision processes. Leadership style can be viewed as a series of managerial attitudes, behaviors, characteristics and skills based on individual and organizational values, leadership interests and reliability of employees in different situations. In the other meaning, it is the ability of a leader to influence subordinates to performing at their highest capability. 1.7.3 Transformational leadership Transformational leadership is grooms followers into future leaders by giving them freedom to control their behavior, elevates followers concerns from physical to psychological needs

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Matthew Henson :: Essays Papers

Matthew Henson Great Men Have Great Assistants â€Å"As I stood there on the top of the world and I thought of the hundreds of men who had lost their lives in their effort to reach it [North Pole], I felt profoundly grateful that I had the honor of representing my race.† With these words, Matthew Henson planted the American flag on the North Pole. During the past, black Americans have not received the acknowledgement they deserved. Such was the case of Matthew A. Henson. He was the first person to discover the North Pole, although Robert Peary is usually credited with this feat. Henson passed away in relative obscurity, in 1955, and was not given recognition until 1988, when he was reburied in Arlington National Cemetery with full honors. Matthew Henson was born on August 3, 1866 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was raised in Carrol County. At an early age, Henson’s mother died, leaving him alone to live with his father. Unfortunately the family experienced problems with the Klu Klux Klan. To escape the problems and make a better life for his son, Henson’s father moved the family to Washington, D.C.. While Henson’s father worked, he took care of the elderly uncle they lived with. While still living in Washington Henson’s father died, leaving him in care of his uncle. The uncle was mean and abusive to the point that it caused him to runaway from the only home he had. For awhile, Henson wandered the streets. He was a poor, ragged, and uneducated kid. What could he offer to someone to earn a living? Finally, he came to a small restaurant. The owner hired Henson to sweep and mop the floors, clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. Henson had no place to stay so they owner let him sleep on the floor of the restaurant after closing. One day, Henson saw a sign advertising a ship captain looking for young men to work on his ship. Since he had nothing better to do, Henson decided to sign up. That was the beginning of Henson’s sailing career. For the rest of Henson’s teenage years, Henson sailed around the world. He learned much aboard the ship such as: mathematics, navigation, the operations of a ship, and how to read books and maps. By the age of 21, Henson was a skilled and experienced sailor. Between his terms at sea, Henson would sometimes work to earn a little money. One job he had would change the course of his life. While a store clerk in Washington, D.